Indoor Cycling

by konvaskri
indoor cycling

One of the few things that kept us sane during quarantine was indoor cycling. We had the Tacx Bushido Smart Trainer from when living in London. KK wanted to start duathlon and triathlon so he bought that machine and put it at the back of his bike so he could train indoors. 

Poor him, I really wouldn’t like to be in his position, as I was making fun (complaining) of the new gadget for like 2-3 months. To be honest, I was quite right. It was £600. And apart from the money, we did a full restructuring of our living room and guess what! In sofa’s place we had a bike with that thing at the back.

KK in Tacx indoor cycling


Then, we packed it very very very carefully and we shipped it all the way here, to Dubai. We got very lucky and we received our stuff from London 2 days before the full lockdown here. So, KK’s bike (mine went to India for some reason) and the Tacx Bushido Smart Trainer arrived just in time.

Two days later the full lockdown started here in Dubai and I started thanking KK for buying it. It was the best purchase ever! We also got a subscription for Tacx online account (it’s about 8 euros/ month) and every afternoon we would cycle in Amsterdam, Como lake, Switzerland and of course the places we were missing the most, Greece and London. Oh! One day I was even cycling in the States, oh yes!

It’s indeed a great exercise and if you connect it to a big screen you would feel like you are actually cycling in the place of the track you’ve chosen, it’s very realistic. 

Before I forget, we still have the bike in the living room as we have an one-bed apartment. Now the bike is next to the couch.

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